It is rich in vitamin-C. 100 gm contain 30 kcals of calorie. It has maximum biological value with minimum calorific value.

In olden days it was used for headache, insomnia,  stop bleeding of wounds, to relieve pain during child birth. It is also help in growth by regulating the metabolism and developing child’s organs. As it is rich in calcium and phosphorous, the bone and teeth of growing children are benefited very much.  It prevents formation of patches on blood vessels. Even it is good for woman who are undergoing menopause as they may get deficiency of calcium. The presence of both vitamin-B and C in cabbage helps to strengthen the blood vessels. Raw cabbage removes cholesterol and keeps of atherosclerosis.

Leaves of it treat anemia. Tartaric acid in it inhabits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. Therefore helps in reduction of weight. Fresh juice of it treats ulcer of stomach and duodenal. It acts stimulant of appetite and digestion.

Scientists have isolated new component vitamin-U, an anti-ulcerous from fresh cabbage. It is also said to posses an anti-bacterial factor. It protects cells in the body. It reduces the opportunity of getting cancer especially breast.